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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 103, No. 10 (October 2019), P. 2399-2420.

Copyright ©2019. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.1306/0130191522517122

Seismic geomorphology and sedimentology of a fluvial-dominated delta: Implications for the Neogene reservoirs, offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China

Shang Xu,1 Fang Hao,2 Changgui Xu,3 Huayao Zou,4 and Baishui Gao5

1Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources, China University of Geosciences, Ministry of Education, Wuhan, China; [email protected]
2School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China; Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources, China University of Geosciences, Ministry of Education, Wuhan, China; [email protected]
3Tianjin Branch, China National Offshore Oil Company, Tianjin, China; [email protected]
4State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China; [email protected]
5Strategic Research Center of Oil and Gas Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing, China; [email protected]


Fluvial-dominated deltas are common along modern and ancient coasts and act as important hydrocarbon reservoirs. In this paper, an integration of high-resolution three-dimensional seismic, well log, and core Previous HitdataTop are employed to investigate the seismic geomorphology, depositional facies, reservoir types, and controlling factors of fluvial-dominated delta deposition in the lower segment of the Minghuazheng Formation (N1mL), Bohai Bay Basin, China. Three typical seismic facies and seismic geomorphologic units are identified. Seismic facies 1 displays discrete high-amplitude reflection and a distinct U-shape incision. In plan form, this seismic facies shows a linear, dendritic, and sinuous morphology with high root-mean-square amplitudes. Seismic facies 2 occurs interspersed with seismic facies 1 and shows low-frequency and low-amplitude reflection. Seismic facies 3 shows a continuous high-amplitude reflection and uniform sheet-like morphology covering more than 10 km2 (>3.86 mi2). The N1mL was primarily deposited in the upper delta plain, lower delta plain, and delta front environments and is dominated by three major facies types: (1) distributary channel (seismic facies 1), (2) interdistributary bay (seismic facies 2), and (3) sheet sand (seismic facies 3). Among them, the distributary channel sandstones and sheet sandstones are the major reservoirs in the N1mL. Fluvial processes and lake level cycles were important factors in the development and distribution of reservoirs and traps in fluvial-dominated delta systems. Integration of the seismic geomorphology and a modern geomorphology investigation provide an effective way to predict the sandstone reservoirs and traps in fluvial-dominated delta systems.

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