The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
AAPG Bulletin;
Year: 2019;
Issue: October
DOI: 10.1306/0130191516517255
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Figure 12. Cumulative strain caused by compaction within the Skull Creek Mudstone (Mst.) calculated by stepwise backstripping of the following overburden strata: (A) between topographical surface and top Mepunga Fm., (B) between top Mepunga and top Dilwyn Fm., (C) between top Dilwyn and top Pebble Point Fm., (D) between top Pebble Point Fm. and top Skull Creek Mst. (see Figure 2). See text for more information about strain artifacts. Grid coordinate system: Map Grid of Australia, zone 54, Transverse Mercator projection.