The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin; Year: 2019; Issue: October
DOI: 10.1306/0130191516517255

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Figure 13. Maps of the deformation strain (bltn17255inf33 strain magnitudes, where e is the strain value and bltn17255inf34 is the principal major strain axis) after three-dimensional (3-D) structural restoration of the Skull Creek Mudstone (Mst.). The faults causing the tripartition are labeled. (A) Unrestored Skull Creek Mst.; fault heave polygons are shown in white. (B) First intermediate step up to fault 16 and fault Naylor South. (C) second intermediate step after restoration up to fault Buttress Northwest (NW) and fault 2. (D) complete 3-D structural restoration of the Skull Creek Mst. See text for more information about stripe artifacts. Dashed line shows profile location of section in Figure 16. Grid coordinate system: Map Grid of Australia, zone 54, Transverse Mercator projection.

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