AAPG Bulletin;
Year: 2020;
Issue: February
DOI: 10.1306/05091918193
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Figure 3. Velocity (Vp) versus density (Rho) crossplot for well 214/28-1. Examining Vp and Rho relationships can reveal information about the mechanism of overpressure development (Lahann et al., 2001, following the work of Bowers, 1995). The deepest shales (Cretaceous age) do not deviate from the Gardener shale trend, which is indicative of disequilibrium compaction as the sole pressure mechanism. The density values, however, exceed 2.45 g/cm3 (typical maximum density because of mechanical compaction), which suggests low-porosity shales. The corrected bottomhole temperature is 167°C, and therefore the high-density values correspond to diagenetic shale alteration. TVDss = total vertical depth subsea.
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