AAPG Bulletin;
Year: 2020;
Issue: February
DOI: 10.1306/05091918193
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Figure 8. Detail of a sill (red) penetrated at 3148 m (10,328 ft) below rotary table (BRT). A repeat formation tester (RFT) measurement taken at the sill edge recorded a pressure of 48 MPa (6956 psi), some 8 MPa (1160 psi) higher than the surrounding sequences. This pressure was equivalent to that recorded in RFT measurements at the base of the well. This suggests that the sill penetrated at 3148 m BRT (10,328 ft BRT) was in pressure communication with deeper units. Red coloring denotes intrusions. est. = estimate; RDEP = deep resistivity; RMED = medium resistivity; TWT = two-way traveltime.
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