The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin; Year: 2020; Issue: May
DOI: 10.1306/10031919011

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Figure 15. A two-way time–depth structure map down to horizon F1 (top reflection of mega-unit F) showing the distribution of basin depocenters and structural ridges (modified from Gregersen et al., 2016). Major bounding faults and the location of the Pitu seismic survey are shown. The enlarged insert map shows an interpretation of the gross depositional environments during reservoir deposition upon the ridge. The lettered labels are as follows: A, coast parallel sediment input; B, shallow-marine spit complex development along ridge axis; C, transgression of shallow-marine system; D, gravity flow deposition into deeper-marine environment; and E, major sediment input into the graben center. 3-D = three-dimensional; MBG = Melville Bay graben; MBR = Melville Bay ridge; SKB = South Kivioq Basin.

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