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AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 105, No. 8 (August 2021), P. 1627-1659.

Copyright ©2021. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.


Origins of Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit in the central Xihu depression of the East China Sea shelf basin

Jun Li,1 Jingzhou Zhao,2 Zhiqiang Hou,3 Shuping Zhang,4 and Mengna Chen5

1School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China; Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Petroleum Accumulation Geology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China; lijun@xsyu.edu.cn
2School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China; Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Petroleum Accumulation Geology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China; jzzhao@xsyu.edu.cn
3Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development CNOOC China Ltd., Shanghai Branch, Shanghai, China; houzhq@cnooc.com.cn
4Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development CNOOC China Ltd., Shanghai Branch, Shanghai, China; zhangshup2@cnooc.com.cn
5School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China; Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Xinjiang Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Karamay, China; 1248708068@qq.com


The origins of Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit in the central Xihu depression have been accepted to result from disequilibrium compaction and Previous HithydrocarbonNext Hit generation. This study uses organic matter correction of the log data in source rocks and five empirical methods (the multilogging combination method, Bowers’ method, the sonic velocity–density crossplot method, the porosity method, and the pressure inversion method) to understand the origins of Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit in the central Xihu depression. Previous HitOverpressureNext Hit strata are mainly distributed in the following two areas: the (1) Pinghu Formation on the western slope of the central Xihu depression and (2) Pinghu Formation and lower part of the Huagang Formation in the western sag and the central inversion anticline belt. The areas contain two types of pressure profiles: normal pressure–Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit and normal pressure–Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit–normal pressure. At the western slope and the western sag, Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit in source rock and nonsource rock was caused by Previous HithydrocarbonNext Hit generation and pressure transfer, respectively. At the central inversion anticline belt, however, Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit was caused by Previous HithydrocarbonNext Hit generation and tectonic compression in source rock and by pressure transfer and tectonic compression in nonsource rock. We also propose criteria for confirming the combination of tectonic compression and Previous HithydrocarbonNext Hit generation as the origin of Previous HitoverpressureNext Hit, where the porosity Previous HitdistributionNext Hit in the overpressured mudstone is consistent with the normal compaction trend or conforms to a higher level of normal compaction as the depth increases. In the sonic velocity–effective stress diagram, sonic velocity increases with decreasing effective stress, whereas density and sonic velocity both increase with increasing normal compaction in the density–sonic velocity diagram.

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