Figure 11.
Drainage capillary pressure and pore throat size distribution curves in samples tested for permeability. (A, B) Organic-rich siliceous mudstone samples PN5-12 (km = 7 to 9 nd) and PN3-108 (km = 22 to 29 nd). (C, D) Sample PND-3 (km < 1 nd) from the argillaceous mudstone lithofacies. (E, F) Sample PN4-18-1 (km = 422–508 nd) from the dolomitic calcareous mudstone lithofacies, and sample PND-17 (km = 2004–2041 nd) from the dolomitic calcareous sandstone lithofacies. Curves were obtained using mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) measurements on whole sample in PN5-12, and crushed samples in PN3-108, PND-3, PN4-18-1, and PND-17. ϕHg = MICP porosity; Dt = modal pore throat diameter; km = horizontal effective matrix permeability to dodecane; Pde = extrapolated displacement pressure determined from a hyperbolic fit to the displacement curve and its projection to a horizontal asymptote (see Thomeer, 1960); Pt = threshold pressure; Vp = pore volume.