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AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin; Year: 2024; Issue: February
DOI: 10.1306/12202222033

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Figure 13. Dolomitic calcareous mudstone lithofacies: field emission-scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of argon ion beam milled samples. (A) Low-magnification color energy-dispersive spectroscopy elemental map (Al is green, Si is red, Ca is dark blue, Na is aqua, and Mg is magenta) superimposed on backscattered electron (BSE)-SEM image showing quartz (q), albite (ab), dolomite (d), calcite (ca), and pyrite (py). Dolomite occurs as rhombic crystals or as dolomitized microfossils with micrometer-size intraparticle (intraP) pores. Sample PN4-18-1. (B) Enlargement of yellow-framed area in (A) showing micrometer-size intraparticle pore within dolomitized microfossil. (C) Polygonal intraparticle pores within dolomitized microfossil. Sample PN4-18-1. (D) Enlargement of black-framed area in (A) showing clay-size quartz microcrystals mixed with silt-size detrital quartz and other clay- to silt-size rock components. (E) High-magnification image showing clay-size microcrystalline quartz and other clay-size grains. Porous organic matter (OM) fills some of the interparticle pores. Sample PN4-18-1. (F) Through-lens detector image showing interparticle pores between microcrystalline quartz and other grain components. Same field of view as (E). BSED = backscattered electron detector; det = detector; HFW = horizontal field width; HV = high voltage (accelerating voltage); mag = magnification; spot = spot size; WD = working distance.

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