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Ahead of Print Abstract

AAPG Bulletin, Preliminary version published online Ahead of Print 15 June 2024.

Copyright © 2024. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.


Lithofacies and porosity heterogeneity of Ordovician to Pennsylvanian successions of the Midland Basin: Implications for wastewater disposal reservoir potential

Amanda Z. Calle, Katie M. Smye, Elizabeth A. Horne, Raymond L. Eastwood, and Peter H. Hennings

Ahead of Print Abstract

From 1983 to 2022, >9 billion barrels of wastewater were injected into Ordovician to Pennsylvanian rocks of the Midland Basin and surrounding regions; between 2021-2023, in this same region, >30 ML3.0+ seismic events occurred each year. Evaluation of the injection fluid diffusion processes leading to fault rupture and seismogenic release requires a thorough analysis of the coupled injection reservoir and Previous HitsealTop properties. In this study, we integrate regional subsurface mapping (>8,000 wells) and petrophysical analyses (~400 wells) with published geologic interpretations to characterize the stratigraphic architecture of injection reservoirs and seals, and the distribution of lithofacies and matrix porosity; these results provide an opportunity to assess reservoir quality and pore volume for wastewater injection.
In the Midland Basin, we identify three deep injection intervals bracketed by regionally extensive unconformities. The highly dolomitized, karsted, and laterally discontinuous Ellenburger Group rocks are characterized by

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Please cite this AAPG Bulletin Ahead of Print article as:

Amanda Z. Calle, Katie M. Smye, Elizabeth A. Horne, Raymond L. Eastwood, Peter H. Hennings: Lithofacies and porosity heterogeneity of Ordovician to Pennsylvanian successions of the Midland Basin: Implications for wastewater disposal reservoir potential, (in press; preliminary version published online Ahead of Print 15 June 2024: AAPG Bulletin, DOI:10.1306/05212424005.
