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Ahead of Print Abstract

AAPG Bulletin, Preliminary version published online Ahead of Print 15 August 2024.

Copyright © 2024. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.


High-resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis and depositional environment reinterpretation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Fortune Bay and Hibernia Formations in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, east coast Canada

Wen Lin, Ryan M. Zahynacz, and Tim P. Thompson

Suncor Energy Inc., 150 6th Ave. SW, Calgary, AB, T2P3E3, Canada

Ahead of Print Abstract

Stratigraphic evolution of tectonically active synrift basins is challenging to reveal due to the complex interplay between eustasy and tectonics. The lithostratigraphic approach fails to restore different lithological units in correct temporal order and masks the discovery of subtle stratigraphic plays. The Jeanne d’Arc Basin, offshore east coast Canada presents difficulties regarding temporal reservoir correlation and paleogeographic reconstruction. In this study, we established a high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework of the Lower Cretaceous Hibernia Formation in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin. Three composite (sensu third order) sequences consisting of 21 parasequences are interpreted with well-defined flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries, based on the combination of seismic, well-log, and core data. Each composite sequence comprises three systems tracts, of which four are selected as mapping units for synchronous paleogeographic reconstruction. Paleogeographic mapping shows different facies distribution in the same geological times and how they evolved through time. Detailed paleogeographic mapping demonstrates the sequence stratigraphic cyclicity of marine-fluvial-marine and correlates different reservoir units between producing fields. The “basal Hibernia sand” interval has been reinterpreted to be a marine sandstone package of the highstand systems tract of the underlying Fortune Bay Formation. The results enhance the predictability of reservoir presence and distribution as well as the paired Previous HitsealTop intervals at different stratigraphic levels. This work opens new play types, such as the Fortune Bay highstand shoreface play and the transgressive barrier island play, that support the continued exploration of the basin.

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Please cite this AAPG Bulletin Ahead of Print article as:

Wen Lin, Ryan M. Zahynacz, Tim P. Thompson: High-resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis and depositional environment reinterpretation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Fortune Bay and Hibernia Formations in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, east coast Canada, (in press; preliminary version published online Ahead of Print 15 August 2024: AAPG Bulletin, DOI:10.1306/07232423121.
