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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists News Bulletin
Vol. 1 (1953), No. 9. (September), Pages 6-6

Abstract: Typical Southern Alberta Section as Encountered in International Blood No. 1 Well

L. E. Workman

The lithology of the International Blood No. 1 well (Lsd. 2-7-8-22 W 4 M.) was described in detail. Many of these units were to be seen in whole or part on the field trip, thus tying both surface and subsurface sections. Some tentative correlations with Central Alberta were made for the Calmar, Cooking Lake, and Elk Point. Some probable Ordovician in the basal section of the well were also discussed.

Abstract by G. B. Choquette, C.S.S.

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