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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Journal of the Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists
Vol. 10 (1962), No. 1. (January), Pages 32-32

Abstracts of Theses: Archaeocyatha from the Colville and Salmo Area of Washington and British Columbia

Robert G. Greggs

The Archaeocyathids described here were collected by Dr. H. Little and Dr. V. J. Okulitch from the South Fork of the Salmo River, and from north of Colville, Washington. In the Salmo area, they occur in a narrow band of limestone at the base of the Laib group. The Colville collection is from an outcrop of Old Dominion limestone. The identification and description of the species present in these collections are the main considerations of the thesis. Two new species are described, Ethmophyllum lineatus and Syringocnema colvillensis. The former species occurs in the Lower Cambrian limestone of the Laib group, Salmo area; the latter is reported from the Old Dominion limestone of the Colville Area.

Archaeocyathids may be useful in the correlation of Lower Cambrian formations, providing further accurately located (stratigraphically) collections are made. At present, insufficient stratigraphic data are available to erect Archaeocyathid zones. However, some attempt to correlate the known Archaeocyathid occurrences is made.

The occurrences of Archaeocyathids in the northern part of the Cordillera are given with their related lithologic unit where possible:

  1. Colville, Washington -- Old Dominion limestone
  2. Salmo, B.C. -- lower part of the Laib group
  3. Dogtooth Range, B.C. -- Previous HitDonaldTop formation
  4. Quesnel Lake, B.C. -- Cariboo series
  5. Sinclair Mills, B.C.
  6. Pine Pass, B.C. -- Misinchinka schists
  7. Aiken Lake, B.C. -- upper Wolverine complex
  8. McDame Creek, B.C. -- Atan group
  9. Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory -- Lord's group B and C units
  10. Quiet Lake, Yukon Territory.

It is believed that these occurrences outline the western edge of the geosyncline present in this region in Lower Cambrian time.

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M.A.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1957.

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