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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
Abstracts of Theses: Stratigraphic Clay-Mineral Distribution in the Cretaceous Colorado Group Near Saskatoon
Cretaceous sediments from the Colorado Group of the Patience Lake potash shaft near Saskatoon are mostly silty clays containing a low proportion of sand. Microscopic examination of the sand fraction reveals that most commonly it is composed of quartz and feldspar, with some biotite, muscovite, pyrite, and chlorite.
Clay minerals found in the sediments include kaolinite, illite, chlorite, and montmorillonite. Kaolinite is present only at the base of the section, where depositional conditions changed from non-marine to marine. Changes in the illite and chlorite content can be related, for the most part, to movement of the western shoreline of the Colorado Sea. The montmorillonite, attributed to alteration of wind-blown volcanic ash, has an erratic statigraphic distribution, which may be related to changing volcanic activity to the west and/or local winds and currents.
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1965, University of Saskatchewan, M.Sc.
Copyright © 2004 by The Society of Canadian Petroleum Geologists. All Rights Reserved.
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