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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 15 (1967), No. 2. (June), Pages 211-211

Abstracts of Theses: The Structure of the Salt Deposit at Pugwash, Nova Scotia

Robert Evans

A study of the structure of the Mississippian salt deposit at Pugwash, Nova Scotia, shows that the salt exposed in the mine forms part of a large plunging anticline. A thick anhydrite layer lies near the Previous HitbottomTop of the exposed sequence, and five distinct salt zones lie above it. Analyses of bromine in halite from various parts of the sequence corroborate the structural interpretation.

Within the halite, which shows fine and coarse colour banding, are three carnallite breccia units, three clastic breccia layers and innumerable thin broken anhydrite layers. The deposit has been severely deformed, and over 50 isoclinal folds have been identified. The axial planes and the axes of the folds vary from vertical to horizontal, and the traces of the axial planes of the folds within the deposit are orientated within 40° of the trace of the axial plane of a major fold in the sediments overlying the deposit. Several closed structures, one fault and lineation of anhydrite "pencils" are present.

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1965, Dalhousie University, M.Sc.

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