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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 16 (1968), No. 1. (March), Pages 64-86

Computer Applications in an Oil-Exploration Company

D. L. Stauft


Although several highly sophisticated computer applications have been described in the geological literature, practising explorationists at the operating levels are somewhat slow to accept these methods as day-to-day tools. Imperial Oil Limited has introduced the computer to its operations explorationists by providing retrievals and search-narrowing techniques for use with its computerized banks of basic geological and engineering data. Imperial's explorationists have thus become aware that "computer techniques," without necessarily revolutionizing their approach to geology, can save them considerable time in searching for and gathering data from day to day. They now use in their operations such facilities as listings of cores or tests by formation; structure and isopach listings; Previous HitmapNext Hit-plotting and contouring; show-Previous HitmapNext Hit construction; basic cross-sectioning; and trend Previous HitanalysisNext Hit. Without this introductory phase of simple applications, it is doubtful that they would even yet have accepted the computer as a useful tool.

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