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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 22 (1974), No. 3. (September), Pages 353-356

The Orientation of Amphipora Ramosa Fragments and their Potential for Use in Paleocurrent Studies in Devonian Carbonate Complexes.: GEOLOGICAL NOTE

David Kobluk


Amphipora ramosa, a common stromatoporoid in Devonian carbonate complexes, particularly in lagoonal facies, is found preferentially oriented at the southeast margin of the Miette carbonate complex. The 3967 orientation measurements, made on five Upper Cairn bedding surfaces near the complex margin, were found by chi-square testing, to show preferential orientations in every case. Orientations of the long axes of the fragments are northwest and northeast. These orientations indicate currents or wave patterns parallel and perpendicular to the complex margin during the Upper Cairn.

Amphipora ramosa and related species appear to be potentially useful for paleo-current studies within Devonian carbonate complexes.

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