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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 24 (1976), No. 3. (September), Pages 372-417

Cretaceous and Tertiary Palynomorph Assemblages from Banks Island and Adjacent Areas (N.W.T.)

A. Doerenkamp, S. Jardine, P. Moreau


Une etude palynologique a ete menee sur le Cretace et le Tertiaire d'un ensemble de coupes de terrain et de sondages des iles de l'Arctique Canadien: Banks, Eglinton, Prince Patrick, Mackenzie King et de l'Anderson Plain. Cetteetude resume la composition et l'evolution des microflores du Cretace inferieur a l'Eocene. Elle en tire des conclusions sur la stratigraphie du Cretace-Tertiaire de l'ile de Banks, en particulier sur les sondages fores par ELF-Canada, sur l'identification et l'age des formations rencontrees ainsi que sur leurs correlations avec des unites stratigraphiques equivalentes de l'Archipel Arctique et du Mainland. Cet article ne traite pas des problemes de taxinomie et de systematique.

A palynological study was conducted on the Cretaceous and Tertiary series of a number of surface and well sections in the Canadian Arctic, including Banks, Eglinton, Prince Patrick and Mackenzie King Islands and the Anderson Plain. This paper summarizes the composition and the evolution of the microfloras which range from Lower Cretaceous to Eocene in age. Conclusions are drawn on the startigraphy of Banks Island, and particularly of the wells which were drilled by ELF Canada, on the identification and the age of these formations, and their correlations with equivalent stratigraphical units within this large region. This paper does not take into account problems of taxonomy and systematics.

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