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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 27 (1979), No. 2. (June), Pages 163-182

The Lower Cretaceous Atkinson Point Formation (New Name) on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, N.W.T.: A Coastal Fan-Delta to Marine Sequence

James Dixon


The Aptian to Lower Albian conglomerate and sandstone of the Atkinson Point Formation (new name) were deposited over a limited area on the northwest flank of the Aklavik Arch. An initial regressive depositional phase produced conglomerate-sandstone cycles of braided-stream origin. Laterally these braided-stream deposits grade into marine sandstone, which in turn gives way to shale and siltstone. An Early Albian transgression terminated braided-stream deposition and marine sandstone rapidly overlapped and overstepped earlier deposits. The areally limited distribution of the conglomerate-sandstone cycles, their braided-stream origin, the local source of the conglomerate clasts, and regional paleogeographic trends point to an origin of the cycles on a fan-delta grading laterally into a marine environment.

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