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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 28 (1980), No. 1. (March), Pages 112-129

The Organic Petrology of the Upper Cretaceous Previous HitBoundaryNext Hit Creek Formation, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin

Stephen Creaney


A detailed petrographic study of the organic material in the Upper Cretaceous Previous HitBoundaryNext Hit Creek Formation of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin has been used to establish a general picture of a) its depositional environment, b) variation in the type of organic material present, and c) its petroleum source Previous HitpotentialNext Hit. The Previous HitBoundaryNext Hit Creek appears to have accumulated in a depositional setting which had both marine and seasonal terrestrial input and predominantly anaerobic bottom Previous HitconditionsNext Hit. It contains the types and quantities of organic material that would make it an excellent source rock. However, it has not yet been sampled in an area where it is thermally mature enough to realize its full oil-generating Previous HitpotentialNext Hit.

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