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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 28 (1980), No. 2. (June), Pages 200-210

Microvisual Studies of Size Distribution of Oil Droplets in Porous Media

E.O. Egbogah,*, R.A. Dawe


The use of micromodels should lead to a better understanding of fluid-fluid displacement processes in porous media. This understanding is especially needed for the design of enhanced oil-recovery processes and oil-migration theories. As an example of their use, we describe observations of the character, size and distribution of residual oil in a water-flooded zone of a porous medium in micromodels of monodisperse Previous HitlayersTop of glass grains sandwiched between glass plates. The size of residual oil ganglia was found to increase with viscosity ratio M (= µow), and to range from less than one up to nine grain diameters.

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