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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 29 (1981), No. 2. (June), Pages 259-266

Coal Resource Evaluation in Deformed Sequences, Using Digital Terrain Models

C.M. Gold, H.A.K. Charlesworth, W.E. Kilby


A common task in coal exploration is evaluating reserves by estimating some form of isopach map. Available machine-Previous HitcontouringNext Hit packages, because of their gridding/Previous HitcontouringNext Hit sequence, are generally unsatisfactory for this purpose. A different approach considers an isopach map as the difference between two complete digital models of the upper and lower surfaces involved. In addition, whereas a topographic surface can be modelled directly from a topographic map, an outcropping Previous HitgeologicalNext Hit surface can be modelled best by using a structural cross section and the fold axis. These methods lead to realistic maps and are illustrated by means of Previous HitdataTop from the Mountain Park coalfield in the Rocky Mountain Foothills of west-central Alberta.

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