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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 31 (1983), No. 1. (March), Pages 14-26

Cardium Formation 2. Sand-Body Geometry and Stratigraphy in the Garrington-Caroline-Ricinus Area, Alberta -- The "Ragged Blanket" Model

Roger G. Walker


The Turonian Cardium Formation has been studied in 169 cores and about 300 well logs in the Garrington-Caroline-Ricinus area. This paper emphasizes sand-body geometry, and the lithology and sedimentology of the cores will be discussed in a subsequent paper. Correlation diagrams and isopach maps demonstrate that the upper (A) sand does not occur in long narrow strips, but forms a "ragged blanket" sand of variable thickness over the entire area. Systematic thickness trends can be demonstrated only at Garrington, where the A sand is about 6 m thick in the centre of the field and thins both northeastward and southwestward. The lower (B) sand also forms a "ragged blanket" in the Ricinus-Caroline area, but is absent between Caroline and Garrington. It reappears at Garrington as a long narrow strip. Systematic thickness trends can also be demonstrated at Caroline, where the B sand reaches 6.5 m in the centre of the field, decreasing northwestward and southeastward.

By using various log and core markers, it is shown that there is one main sand at Ricinus. It cuts out the A sand in a broad (5 km) shallow (20-40 m) scour, with increasing depth of scour toward the southeast. The B sand continues below the main Ricinus sand as a continuous "ragged blanket".

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