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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 32 (1984), No. 4. (December), Pages 417-433

Oil and Gas Developments in Eastern Canada in 1983

R.A. Trevail, Debra K. Parker


Results from a record drilling year offshore along the Canadian east coast were 5 gas wells, 3 oil wells, 20 wells plugged and suspended or plugged and abandoned, and 6 wells drilling at year end. Thirty-seven exploration agreements, covering an area of 22.1 million ha (54.6 million acres) were negotiated between COGLA and various companies. Terms require the drilling of 43 wells and expenditures of about $2.1 billion. Ottawa and Newfoundland continued their dispute over offshore resources ownership, with a provincial supreme court decision in favour of Ottawa being appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada. Delineation drilling continued in the Hibernia and Venture areas. To date nine wells have been drilled in the Hibernia area and five wells in the Venture area.

The Geological Survey of Canada estimated the average expected recoverable reserves for eastern Canada offshore at 2400 billion m3 of gas (84.7 tcf) and 1900 million m3 of oil (11.9 billion bbl). Discovered reserves are 225.1 times.gif (834 bytes) 106m3 (1.4 billion bbl) of oil and 245.6 times.gif (834 bytes) 109m3 (8.7 tcf) of gas.

In Ontario, drilling activity remained stable in 1983 with 165 exploratory and development wells resulting in 63 gas producers, 28 oil producers and 74 dry holes. Two discoveries in the Ordovician Trenton sparked interest once again in the deeper payzones of Ontario. Initial reported production from the Rowe-Ram #1 Dover East 7-5-V discovery was 49 m3/day of oil (308 BOPD). The OGS 82-3 Yarmouth well in Elgin County confirmed the presence of oil in Cambrian-age sediments in an area where the predominant trapping mechanism for hydrocarbons is a structural trap associated with faulting. Recently published data list potential reserves in Ordovician rocks in Ontario at 9.7 times.gif (834 bytes) 109m3 (343 bcf) of gas and 5.4 times.gif (834 bytes) 106m3 (34 million bbl) of oil.

Oil production in eastern Canada amounted to 754 m3 (4,743 bbl) in New Brunswick and 84,788.2 m3 (533,302 bbl) in Ontario for a total of 85,542.2 m3 (538,045 bbl). Total gas production increased 5% to 465,430.4 times.gif (834 bytes) 103m3 (16.4 bcf) from 441,804.5 times.gif (834 bytes) 103m3 (15.6 bcf).



Une annee record de forages au large des cotes Est du Canada resulta en cinq puits de gaz, trois de petrole, vingt puits bouches et suspendus ou bouches et abandonnes, ainsi que six forages en cours en fin d'annee. Trente-sept accords d'exploration couvrant une surface de 22,1 milliards d'hectares (54,6 million d'ares) furent negocies entre COGLA et diverses compagnies. Les termes requierent le forage de 43 puits et une depense d'environ $2,1 milliards. Ottawa et Terre-Neuve poursuivirent leur dispute sur la possession des ressources naturelles sous-marines; une decision par la cour supreme provinciale prise en faveur d'Ottawa est en cour d'appelle a la cour supreme du Canada. Les forages de delineation furent continues dans les regions d'Hibernia (neuf puits fores a ce jour) et de Venture (cinq puits).

La Commission geologique du Canada estime que les reserves moyennes recuperables anticipees au large des cotes Est du Canada seraient a 2400 milliards m3 de gaz naturel (84,7 times.gif (834 bytes) 1012 pieds-cube) et 1900 millions m3 de petrole (11,9 milliards de barrils). Les reserves decouvertes sont a 225,1 times.gif (834 bytes) 106 m3 (1,4 milliards de barrils) de petrole et 245,6 times.gif (834 bytes) 109 m3 (8,7 times.gif (834 bytes) 1012 pieds-cube) de gaz naturel.

En Ontario, l'activite de forage fut maintenue en 1983, comptant 165 forages d'exploration et de developpement, qui resulterent en 63 puits de gaz naturel, 28 de petrole et 74 secs. L'interet envers les zones profondes de l'Ontario fut renouvele a la suite de deux decouvertes dans la formation Trenton ordovicienne: la production initialle du puit de decouverte Rowe-Ram #1 Dover East 7-5-V fut rapportee a 49 m3/jour (308 barrils/jour). Le puit OGS 82-3 Yarmouth (Elgin County) confirma la presence de petrole dans des roches sedimentaires d'age cambrien dans une region principallement a pieges structuraux a failles. Des informations recentes montrent que les reserves dans les roches ordoviciennes de l'Ontario sont potentiellement 9,7 times.gif (834 bytes) 109 m3 (343 times.gif (834 bytes) 109 pieds-cube) de gaz naturel et 5,4 times.gif (834 bytes) 106 m3 (34 times.gif (834 bytes) 106 barrils) de petrole.

La production de petrole au Canada de l'Est fut 754 m3 (4.743 barrils) au Nouveau Brunswick et 84.788,2 m3 (533.302 barrils) en Ontario, totalisant 85.542,2 m3 (538.045 barrils). La production totale de gaz naturel augmenta de 5% de 441.804,5 times.gif (834 bytes) 103 m3 (15,5 times.gif (834 bytes) 109 pieds-cube) a 465.430,4 times.gif (834 bytes) 103 m3 (16,4 times.gif (834 bytes) 109 pieds-cube).

Traduit par Andrew Zolnai

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