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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 33 (1985), No. 4. (December), Pages 427-445

Organic Geochemical Investigation of Selected Oil Shales of the Albert Formation, New Brunswick

A. M. Altebaeumer


The quantity and quality of organic matter in oil shales have been studied on eighteen (18) samples from two boreholes penetrating the Lower Carboniferous Albert Mines Formation, New Brunswick.

The organic geochemical data indicate good-quality source rocks that are well within the hydrocarbon generation zone. Thermal maturity of samples from both wells is assumed to be the same on the basis of organic geochemical data. Despite a similar kerogen quality in both wells, samples from Canadian Albert Mines No. 5 yield much higher hydrocarbon concentrations than samples from Atlantic Richfield Boudreau No. 1. Since the hydrocarbon concentration of the individual samples is not always in accordance with the quantity and quality of the kerogen, redistribution of hydrocarbons during primary migration is assumed. Pyrolysis gas chromatography indicates dominantly lacustrine algal kerogens.



On a etudie la quantite et la qualite de matiere organique dans les schistes bitumineux; dix-huit (18) echantillons tires de deux carottes qui ont penetre la formation Albert Mines (Carbonifere Inferieur) au Nouveau Brunswick.

Les donnees geochimiques organiques indiquent des roches meres de bonne qualite qui se trouvent dans le zone de generation d'hydrocarbures. Les donnees geochimiques organiques portent a croire que la maturite thermique des echantillons des deux puits soit pareille. Malgre une qualite de kerogene semblable dans les deux puits, les echantillons de Canadian Albert Mines No. 5 produisent des concentrations plus elevees d'hydrocarbures que ceux d'Atlantic Richfield Boudreau No. 1. Puisque la concentration d'hydrocarbures des echantillons particulieres n'est pas toujours en concordance avec la quantite et la qualite de kerogene, on suppose la repartition d'hydrocarbures pendant la migration primaire. La chromatographie de pyrolyse-gaz indique la presence de kerogenes alguaires, principalement lacustres.

Traduit par Joan Lovell

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