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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 34 (1986), No. 1. (March), Pages 153-166

Oil and Gas Developments in Eastern Canada in 1984

R.A. Trevail, Debra K. Parker


Exploration activity continued at a brisk pace in Canadian east coast offshore regions in 1984. Twenty-six wells were spudded, and drilling and/or evaluation continued on another 10 wells. Results were 4 oil wells, 7 gas wells, 1 oil and gas well, 10 dry wells, 1 well under a tight-hole status, 1 relief well, and 12 wells continuing drilling and/or evaluation at year end. Twenty-eight exploration agreements were negotiated, 17 of which were between the Canadian Oil and Gas Lands Administration (COGLA) and various oil and gas exploration companies, and cover 9.6 million ha with a commitment to 17 wells. Eleven exploration agreements were between the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Oil and Gas Board and the petroleum industry and cover 2.5 million ha with a commitment to 14 wells.

In Ontario (including Lake Erie), drilling activity declined slightly from 1983 with 200 wells drilled. Results were 54 gas wells, 26 oil wells, 80 dry holes, 12 suspended wells, and 28 wells classified as "other" (includes 9 stratigraphic tests, 9 natural-gas storage wells, 4 brine wells, 2 disposal wells, 2 water injection wells, 1 re-entry, and 1 LPG storage well). Oil and gas production in Ontario increased 6.5% and 19.3%, respectively, to 90,376 m3 of oil and 548,166 times.gif (834 bytes) 103 m3 of gas.

In Quebec, 2 of 12 shallow wells drilled were completed as oil producers. Another well was drilled in Saint Flavien field, but it proved to be dry and was abandoned. Production in Saint Flavien field increased 166% to 11,841 times.gif (834 bytes) 103 m3 of gas.



L'activite exploratoire maintena sa vigueur au large de la cote canadienne orientale en 1984. Il y eut l'initiation de 26 puits, ainsi que le forage et/ou l'evaluation de 10 autres. Il en resulta 4 puits de petrole, 7 de gaz naturel, 1 de petrole et de gas naturel, 10 sans hydrocarbure, 1 a statut confidentiel, 1 de secours, et 12 en forage et/ou evaluation. Nomber de compagnies d'exploration a hydrocarbures negocierent 28 ententes d'exploration, dont 17 furent avec l'Administration du Petrole et Gaz Natural du Canada (Canadian Oil and Gas Lands Administration) couvrant une totalite de 9,6 million d'ha et 17 puits planifies, et 11 avec l'Administration du Petrole et Gaz Naturel Canada-Nouvelle Ecosse (Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Oil and Gas Board) couvrant 2,5 millions d'ha et 14 puits planifies.

L'activite foratoire fut en declin modeste compare a 1983 en Ontario (Lac Erie inclus). Parmi 200 puits, il resulta 54 de gaz naturel, 26 de petrole, 80 sans hydrocarbure, 12 interrompus, et 28 autres (parmi ceux-ci, 9 puits stratigraphiques, 9 pour stocks de gaz naturel, 4 d'eau profonde, 2 pour dechets chimiques, 2 a injection d'eau, 1 a re-forage, 1 pour stocks de gaz petroliers liquides). La production de petrole et de gaz naturel en Ontario augmenta respectivement de 6,5 et 19.3%, atteignant un production de 90 376 m3 de petrole et 548 166 000 m3 de gaz naturel.

Deux parmi 12 puits peu profonds fores au Quebec produisirent du petrole. Un puit fore au champ houiller de Saint Flavien fut abandonne pour manque d'hydrocarbure. La production de ce champ de gaz natural augmenta de 166% et atteint 11 841 000 m3.

Traduit par A. Zolnai

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