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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Future Petroleum Provinces of Canada, Their Geology and Potential — Memoir 1, 1973
Pages 1-6

Introduction to Future Petroleum Provinces of Canada

R. G. McCrossan, J. W. Porter


This book concerns the petroleum potential of Canada and the geology related to its determination. More specifically, it deals with the ultimate recoverable conventional hydrocarbon resources including both discovered and undiscovered oil and gas lying within the continental shelf edge. The oil sands of Alberta are not included.

The study was done by 27 authors working in 17 map areas which, because of Previous HitpracticalNext Hit Previous HitconsiderationsTop, do not necessarily correspond to well defined geological entities. A synthesis of all the contributions involving a basin classification is made within a framework of regional geology. All the 38 or so sedimentary basins fall within 7 categories and have been rated for their petroleum potential.

The thickness and geographic distribution of all the unmetamorphosed sedimentary rocks of Canada are shown in a basin fill isopach map. Of the total 3.5 million cubic miles of prospective sedimentary rock, 2 million lie within the stable regions of the continent and 1.5 million lie in the continental margin areas to the shelf edge.

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