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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Future Petroleum Provinces of Canada, Their Geology and Potential — Memoir 1, 1973
Pages 307-314

Old Crow Basin

J. R. Lawrence


The Old Crow basin is an undrilled and relatively unexplored intermontane basin in the northern Yukon. Surface geological work and preliminary geophysical data indicate a thickness of from 2,000 to 5,000 feet of Mesozoic and Tertiary clastic sediments overlying as much as 10,000 feet of Upper Devonian to Permo-Carboniferous sediments. The effective basement is probably the severely disturbed and slightly metamorphosed Neruokpuk Formation of pre-Upper Devonian age. A volume of about 3,000 cubic miles of Upper Devonian and younger sediment which could contain significant reserves of oil and gas is estimated to be present.

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