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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Permian Triassic Systems and Their Mutual Boundary — Memoir 2, 1973
Pages 168-172

The Kungurian and Ufimian Stages of the Priurals, U.S.S.R.

V. P. Gorsky, E. A. Guseva


Recent studies of the Kungurian and Ufimian stages of the Priurals, using analysis of cyclic recurrence, evolution of some euryfacial groups such as ostracods, plus other data, have allowed us to construct a detailed Previous HitbiostratigraphicTop subdivision and, using ostracod zones, to correlate Kungurian deposits within the whole Priural region. Such studies have helped define the volume and boundaries of the Kungurian and Ufimian stages and it is here suggested that they should be united into a single stage.

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