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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Facts and Principles of World Petroleum Occurrence — Memoir 6, 1980
Pages 984-985
Symposium Abstracts

Fifty Years of Exploration Progress – Micropaleontology Still Sitting in a Research Laboratory: Abstract

T. P. Chamney1

Apropos to the spirit of the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists’ 50th Anniversary and World Oil Occurrence, we should ensure that our applied exploration technology is not falling behind the rest of the world as recently reported by the Canadian Science Secretariat for other industries. We pioneered Paleozoic carbonate and reef technology and apply the techniques on most Previous HitwellNext Hit site work. Mesozoic clastic and deltaic technology has not utilized available Previous HitwellNext Hit site techniques such as micropaleontology. Similar oil exploration programs in other parts of the world staff the Previous HitwellNext Hit site complement with biostratigraphers.

A review of rock Previous HittypesNext Hit and laboratory extraction for recovering micro-fossils is compared with suggested Previous HitwellNext Hit site procedures and equipment. The advantages and limitations of utilizing a biostratigrapher at a Previous HitwellTop site are also compared with the generally accepted practice of operating with a lithostratigrapher. Future economic considerations including conservation of energy with regard to air shipment of sampples, are equally applicable to exploration by the energy industry. This may dictate more self-contained units at the drill site, in particular at locations such as the new frontier areas of the offshore and the arctic.

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Petro-Canada, 727 - 7th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P 0Z6

Copyright © 2009 by the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists