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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Intl. Symposium of the Devonian system: Papers, Volume II, 1967
Pages 1117-1127

Devonian continental deposits of Central Kazakhstan

M. A. Senkevich


Devonian continental deposits of central Kazakhstan are confined to the Caledonian zone comprising vast areas in the northern, eastern and southern parts of the region.

In the area of the Caledonides, geosynclinal conditions persisted during the Riphean and Lower Palaeozoic. At the end of Silurian time, the geosynclinal zone was turned into the zone of folding. New tectonic conditions continued up to the Eifelian. Uplifts were accompanied by volcanic extrusions and accumulation of continental volcanic and sedimentary rocks.

The Eifelian folding caused redistribution of the areas of depressions and uplifts in Givetian time: source areas became more widespread. The Givetian volcanic rocks are localized and confined to significant fractures. In the Givetian, extensive emergent areas existed, bordered by Caledonide midland basins in which a molasse was deposited.

In Frasnian time, the region was largely emergent, and even in the midland basins inundation was intermittent. Lava extrusion from fracture zones continued.

By the beginning of Famennian sedimentation, the topographic relief of the Caledonides was somewhat reduced by erosion. Tectonic movements resulted in marine transgression from the Variscan zone into Caledonian depressions. To the south of the Caledonides extrusives were localized.

Plant and fish remains occur abundantly in Devonian continental rocks of central Kazakhstan. The marine Devonian also yields a flora, associated with a number of different faunal assemblages. This association sets more precise distribution limits of floral taxons in terms of the marine assemblages of known age so that the age relations of the continental rocks of Early Devonian, Eifelian, Givetian, Frasnian and Famennian of Kazakhstan have thereby been established.

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