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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Intl. Symposium of the Devonian system: Papers, Volume II, 1967
Pages 307-323
Reefs and Carbonates

Etudes d’environnements carbonates a propos du Devonien des Alpes Carniques

G. Deroo, J. Gauthier, G. Schmerber


The central part of the Carnic Alps (Italy, Austria) exhibits a Devonian carbonate series ranging in thickness from 100 to 700 meters. Such wide variations are due to the occurrence of Previous HitreefNext Hit structures (bioherms, biostromes). Marginal reefal (peri-reefal) carbonates are also present, while terrigenous sediments are scarce or absent.

This study is an attempt to characterize the different environments from ecological, sedimentological and geochemical standpoints.

The ecological distribution of the framework and non-framework building organisms is presented. The assemblages modified by hydrodynamic action are studied in detail. A geochemical study of the trace-elements present in clays and carbonates, also allows Previous HitrecognitionTop of palaeoenvironments.

In conclusion, a palaeogeographic reconstruction of the lithosomes is proposed, notably in the light of petroleum exploration for stratigraphic traps in carbonate rocks.

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