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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Intl. Symposium of the Devonian system: Papers, Volume II, 1967
Pages 441-452

Etude sedimentologique du givetien, au Nord-Est de Givet

Jacques Pel


The results of detailed sedimentological studies on seven sections demonstrated the rhythmic character of the sedimentation. A standard rhythm has been set up and split into numerous subdivisions according to both lithologic and faunal characteristics. The specific characters of other rhythms correlated in the field are brought out by reference to the standard.

The study of each rhythm, of its particular genetic conditions and particularly the rapidity and frequency of the variations in the environment, permits one to group them all into a few broad divisions in which the structure of the standard rhythm is discerned. Variations in facies are shown by comparing the sections in the southern facies, which have lime sedimentation in a coraliferous environment, with those of the northern facies, which are characterized by a more terrigenous sedimentation. The modifications they display with reference to the standard rhythm and the differential character of the subsidence in the Dinant synclinorium are also shown.

The paper deals with Givetian sedimentation of the southeast, east and northeast borders of the Dinant synclinorium lying northeast of the type locality of the Givetian stage.

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