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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Previous HitSequencesNext Hit, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology: Surface and Subsurface — Memoir 15, 1988
Pages 63-72
Sequence Stratigraphy

The Nature of Previous HitDepositionalNext Hit and Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Sequence Boundaries in Cretaceous-Tertiary Strata of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin

J. Dixon, J. R. Dietrich


At least 12 km of Upper Cretaceous to Holocene sediments, and an unknown thickness of older strata, underlie the Canadian Beaufort shelf. Lower Cretaceous and older strata have been penetrated on the landward edge of the Beaufort Sea and outcrop extensively in northern Yukon and adjacent Northwest Territories. Conventional lithostratigraphic divisions have been identified for most of the Phanerozoic succession but the offshore Late Cretaceous to Holocene succession is less conducive to subdivision into formations. The bulk of our knowledge of the offshore geology comes from reflection Previous HitseismicNext Hit data, supplemented by about 200 exploration boreholes. Consequently, Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphy has been the most useful method of analysis, applying some of the principles of Previous HitdepositionalNext Hit sequence analysis.

Various types of surfaces have been identified — unconformities and hiatal surfaces (surfaces of maximum flooding) being the two most prominent surfaces. In the Previous HitdepositionalNext Hit sequence concept, unconformities, or their correlative basinward conformities, are the bounding surfaces of Previous HitsequencesNext Hit. There are some practical problems with Previous HitidentifyingNext Hit unconformities and their equivalent conformable surfaces in marine successions, in fact, the most prominent and readily identifiable surface is the hiatal surface, in both well logs and outcrop. The position of an erosional unconformity in a structurally conformable succession can be a subjective choice when using wireline logs, whereas the hiatal surface is commonly more obvious.

Using a modified sequence analysis approach (incorporating ideas from Frazier, 1974, and Vail et al., 1977), the Upper Cretaceous to Holocene succession in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin can be divided into at least 11 major Previous HitdepositionalNext Hit Previous HitsequencesNext Hit. Pre-Upper Cretaceous strata are deeply buried in most parts of the basin and are beyond the resolution of conventional reflection Previous HitseismicTop mapping.

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