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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Guide Book Eighth Annual Field Conference Nordegg, 1958
Pages 129-148

The Innisfail Oil Field - A Case Previous HitHistoryTop

R. J. White, W. W. Charles


The Innisfail Oil Field, the ninth largest pool to be discovered in the reefoid Leduc formation of the Upper Devonian - Woodbend group, was discovered in June 1957, by an exploratory team consisting of Canadian Oil Companies Limited, Calgary and Edmonton Corporation, and Security Freehold Petroleums Ltd. Success in this prospect is attributed to a seismic reflection survey in conjunction with subsurface geologic studies. Primary recoverable reserves are estimated to be fifty-five million barrels of 44° A.P.I. crude. Complete development of the field will result in approximately seventy wells, drilled on 80 acre spacing pattern with an estimated average pay thickness of 90 feet.

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