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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Proceedings of the Symposium on the Geology of the Canadian Arctic, 1973
Pages 277-299

Permafrost Studies in the Norman Wells Region, Northwest Territories

P. J. Kurfurst, R. M. Isaacs, J. A. Hunter, W. J. Scott


The mean annual temperature of the surface of the Canol Road, built during the Second World War, is significantly higher than that of the ground surface prior to construction. A study of the roadway and its surroundings by drilling and by seismic and electric methods confirms that there has been warming and, in some cases, thawing of permafrost under the road. A geothermal model prepared for one of the sites predicted a Previous HitdepthNext Hit of thaw much smaller than the Previous HitdepthTop shown by the drilling. This result suggests that both convection and conduction may be involved in heat-transfer processes under the road.

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