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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Carboniferous to Jurasssic: Pangea: Core Workshop Guidebook, 1993
Pages 109-130

Previous HitTropicalNext Hit vs. Temperate Permian Carbonates in the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic

B. Beauchamp


The sedimentary succession of the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic, records an important Permian climatic cooling trend. Highly diversified, Previous HittropicalNext Hit associations dominated by calcareous alga and foraminifer (chloroforam) prevailed in the Asselian and Sakmarian, whereas poorly diversified, temperate associations, dominated by bryozoan, echinoderm, brachiopod, and sponge (bryonoderm) characterized the post-Sakmarian interval. Carbonates that formed in the Previous HittropicalNext Hit environment differ greatly from carbonates that accumulated in the temperate environment. Permian temperate carbonates also differ from their Previous HittropicalNext Hit counterparts by the paucity or absence of associated reefs, ooids, peloids, and submarine cements. Temperature is responsible for differences between Previous HittropicalNext Hit (warm-water) and temperate (cool-water) carbonates, so temperate-like carbonates also occur in deeper water low latitude environments.

Five cores showing differences between Previous HittropicalTop (chloroforam) and temperate (bryonoderm) Permian carbonates of the Sverdrup Basin are displayed. These cores were recovered from four wells drilled in the western Arctic (Marryatt K-71, Chads Creek B-64, Sherard Bay F-34, and Buckingham O-68).

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