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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)


AAPG Division of Environmental Geosciences Journal
Vol. 3 (1996), No. 1., Pages 40-44

The NASA Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photography Database: An Underutilized Resource for Global Environmental Geosciences

Kamlesh Lulla, Cynthia Evans, David Amsbury, Justin Wilkinson, Kim Willis, Joe Caruana, Christine O’Neill, Sue Runco, Diane McLaughlin, Mike Gaunce, Mary Fae McKay, Previous HitMichaelTop Trenchard


NASA astronauts routinely document Earth processes during Space Shuttle missions using analog and digital camera systems. These efforts have resulted in an impressive database of over 250,000 Earth images. This paper succintly discusses the camera systems and applications of this database. Using Mount Pinatubo (Phillippines), as an example, we illustrate the value of such observations for change detection.

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