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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)


AAPG Division of Environmental Geosciences Journal
Vol. 3 (1996), No. 2., Pages 57-61

Rational Science for Rational Policy: A Conference Summary

Lee C. Gerhard, Ralph Rice, Chris A. Oglesby


“Rational Science for Rational Policy” was the theme of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Division of Environmental Geosciences, Hedberg Research Conference held in Estes Park, Colorado, on September 24 to 27, 1995. Thirty-two participants representing a broad cross-section of government, private sector, and public interest groups and academic institutions dissected and discussed the origin, effects, and potential solutions to resource supply and consumption issues engendered by environmental law, regulation, and public perception.

The following five questions were addressed by panel discussions and presentations:

1. What are American environmental goals and resource needs?

2. What earth resources does the United States need now and in the immediate future?

3. What are the major environmental policies of the United States and how do they impact earth resource supplies?

4. What is the scientific basis of each of these policies and are these bases valid?

5. What changes in environmental or earth resources policies does the United States need to make in order to provide adequate resources to sustain society, and what will be the environmental consequences of those policies?

The sessions were wrapped up with a discussion of the question “What is the global view of the future?”

Some conclusions of the conference encompassed recognition of the need for much better risk analysis and risk management in governmental policy and for independent scientific analysis and supporting data for environmental policy issues.

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