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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)


AAPG Division of Environmental Geosciences Journal
Vol. 3 (1996), No. 3., Pages 132-142

Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of Electromagnetic Induction Logs to Investigate Saltwater Intrusion into an Alluvial Aquifer

Glenn W. Garneau


Electromagnetic induction (EM) and natural gamma-ray (GR) borehole logs were used to investigate the intrusion of saltwater into the Great Bend Prairie aquifer of south-central Kansas. The inherent cross correlation between the Previous HitlogNext Hit types was optimized such that the GR Previous HitlogNext Hit was used to correct the EM Previous HitlogNext Hit for the aquifer-clay component of the signal. The corrected logs were then converted into equivalent chloride concentration units and processed by curve-fitting techniques to generate an objective, quantitative set of parameters that characterizes the freshwater-saltwater transition zone in the aquifer. Results of the curve-fit Previous HitanalysisTop were then used to estimate consistently the interface depth of the 500 mg/L chloride concentration level. Results from three years of observations at monitoring sites provide compelling evidence for a state of dynamic equilibrium between freshwater and saltwater in response to hydrologic stresses including recharge and pumping discharge.

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