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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)


AAPG Division of Environmental Geosciences Journal
Vol. 4 (1997), No. 4., Pages 186-191

Uncertainty Analysis of the Vertical Aquitard Hydraulic Conductivity in a Leaky Aquifer System

Xun-Hong Chen


The Hantush-Jacob solution was developed to predict drawdowns in a leaky aquifer system on the basis of several restrictive assumptions, one of which is that the horizontal hydraulic conductivity (Kr) is equal to the vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kz) in the aquifer (Kr= Kz). This assumption is true only for very rare cases. When KrKz, determined aquifer and aquitard parameters may have uncertainties. This paper analyzes the reliability of the calculated horizontal hydraulic conductivity Kr and storage coefficient S in the aquifer and the vertical hydraulic conductivity K′ in aquitard when the Hantush-Jacob solution is used to analyze pumping test data. One hypothetical time-drawdown data set and another data set from a pumping test were analyzed using the solution. Results from both examples indicate that the Kr and S values are affected very slightly but the K′ value can be very unreliable if KrKz in the aquifer. K′ from the Hantush-Jacob solution is underestimated if Kr> Kz and overestimated if Kr < Kz. The later Hantush solution accounts for the effect of aquifer Previous HitanisotropyTop (KrKz) on drawdowns and is able to provide more reliable K′ values.

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