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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)


AAPG Division of Environmental Geosciences Journal
Vol. 5 (1998), No. 3., Pages 89-101

Carbon Dioxide Sequestering Using Ultramafic Rocks

Fraser Goff, K. S. Lackner


Fossil fuels continue to provide major sources of energy to the modern world even though global emissions of CO2 are presently at levels of ≥ 19 gigatons/yr. Future antipollution measures may include sequestering of waste CO2 as magnesite (MgCO3) by processing ultramafic rocks. Common ultramafic rocks react easily with HCl to form MgCl2 which is hydrolyzed to form Mg(OH)2. CO2 would be transported by pipeline from a fossil fuel power plant to a sequestering site and then reacted with Mg(OH)2 to produce thermodynamically stable magnesite. Huge ultramafic deposits consisting of relatively pure Mg-rich silicates exist throughout much of the world in ophiolites and, to a lesser extent, in layered intrusions. Peridotites and associated serpentinite are found in discontinuous ophiolite belts along both continental margins of North America. Serpentinites and dunites comprise the best ores because they contain the most Mg by weight (35 to 49 wt-% MgO) and are relatively reactive to hot acids such as HCl. Small ultramafic bodies (~1 km3) can potentially sequester ~1 gigatons of CO2 or ~20% of annual U.S. emissions. A single large deposit of dunite (~30 km3) could dispose of nearly 20 years of current U.S. CO2 emissions. The sequestering process could provide Mg, Si, Fe, Cr, Ni, and Mn as by products for other industrial and strategic uses. Because “white” asbestos (chyrsotile) is a serpentine mineral, CO2 sequestering could dispose of some waste asbestos. The cost and environmental impact of Previous HitexploitingNext Hit ultramafic deposits must be weighed against the increased costs of energy and benefits to the atmosphere and climate.

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