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A Landslide in Clayey Soils: An Example from the Kızıldag
Region of the Sivas-Erzincan Highway (Sivas-Turkey)
Isik Yilmaz and Ergun
Department of Geological Engineering, Cumhuriyet University,
58140 Sivas, Turkey
Dr. Karacan received his Ph.D. in 1989 in Engineering Geology from the University
of Hacettepe at Ankara. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Geological
Engineering at the University of Cumhuriyet. He specialized in especially engineering
geology and soil and rock mechanics and has published numerous papers on such
Dr. Işik Yilmaz received his Ph.D. in 1998 in Engineering
Geology from the University of Cumhuriyet at Sivas and is currently an assistant
professor in the Department of Geological Engineering at the University of Cumhuriyet.
Dr. Yilmaz specializes in engineering geology, soil and rock mechanics, and
geotechnical properties of expansive clays. Dr. Yilmaz has more than 10 years
of experience and has written articles on a variety of geotechnical topics.
He has worked for a number of consulting engineers, local authorities, and various
public-sector clients as a geotechnical engineer before receiving his Ph.D.
The Sivas-Erzincan highway, a major thoroughfare in Turkey, has been
adversely impacted for years by landslides in the Kızıldag region,
resulting in high maintenance costs with time. This article illustrates
slope stability problems in clay because of the seasonal effects on
the groundwater regime. Clays in the study area act like a fluid and
have very low strength parameters when they were saturated with water.
Within the landslide debris, the clays are characterized as highly
plastic and have a high swelling potential because of the presence
of smectite. A factor of safety of 0.89 was calculated during high-precipitation
seasons, and a factor of safety of 4.57 was calculated during dry seasons.The stable slope angle was calculated as critically i
10°. The only certain solutions to minimize landslide hazards
along the highway are to control groundwater levels and surface run-offand to change the grade of slope, buttresses at the toe of the slopes,
in lieu of relocating the highway on an alternative route.
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