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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)


Environmental Geosciences, V. 21, No. 3 (September 2014), P. 83106.

Copyright copy2014. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists/Division of Environmental Geosciences. All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.1306/eg.05011414003

An evaluation of the Previous HitsealNext Hit capacity and CO2 retention Previous HitpropertiesNext Hit of the Eau Claire Formation (Cambrian)

Richard Lahann,1 John Rupp,2 and Cristian Medina3

1Indiana Geological Survey, Bloomington, Indiana; rlahann@indiana.edu
2Indiana Geological Survey, Bloomington, Indiana; rupp@indiana.edu
3Indiana Geological Survey, Bloomington, Indiana; crmedina@indiana.edu


The Eau Claire Formation of the midwestern United States was evaluated for its potential use as a confining unit (Previous HitsealNext Hit) overlying a sandstone reservoir to securely store injected EG14003eq1. This evaluation included: (1) lithofacies composition and distribution, (2) Previous HitcapillaryNext Hit entry pressure analysis, and (3) fluid- and fracture-pressure analysis. The regional distribution of lithofacies in the Eau Claire was evaluated by examination of core and log data from selected wells across the study area. Log data were used to define electro-lithofacies, which are spatially variable and represent a mixture of shale, siltstone, sandstone, limestone, and dolomite. Because of the significant variation in lithofacies and the complex spatial distribution, the entire interval should be considered in evaluating the Previous HitsealNext Hit capacity of the unit at a given locality. Mercury-injection Previous HitcapillaryNext Hit pressure (MICP) data were obtained on 17 samples of Eau Claire lithofacies ranging from muddy shale to sand/silt to evaluate the potential for Previous HitcapillaryNext Hit entry of fluids into the pore system of the lithofacies of the unit. Interpretation of these data indicated Previous HitcapillaryTop failure of the muddy shale lithofacies is unlikely. However, many of the MICP samples contain millimeter-scale silt/sand interbeds, which would probably allow EG14003eq2 entry but, because these beds commonly have very limited lateral continuity, they are very unlikely to provide pathways for large-scale EG14003eq3 leakage through the interval. Evaluation of structural settings, lithostatic and existing formation aquifer pressures in the Eau Claire, in conjunction with the height of EG14003eq4 columns stored in the underlying Mount Simon Sandstone (Cambrian), suggest that fluid pressures induced by a static buoyant EG14003eq5 plume are unlikely to induce fractures in the formation. However, elevation of the aquifer pressure during injection may be capable of creating fractures within the unit.

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