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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
Environmental Geosciences, V.
2014. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists/Division of Environmental Geosciences. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1306/eg.03111413013
Petrologic evidence for the diagenesis of the Donovan Sand, Citronelle Field, Alabama, and implications for CO2 storage and enhanced oil recovery
George Case,1 Amy Weislogel,2 and Keith Coffindaffer3
1James Cook University School of Earth and Environmental Science, Townsville, QLD, Australia; gcase@mix.wvu.edu
2West Virginia University Department of Geology and Geography, Morgantown, WV; Amy.Weislogel@mail.wvu.edu
3Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Oklahoma City, OK; Keith.coffindaffer@chk.com
Geological sequestration of for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) has been in use for decades, but it now represents a potentially economical method of mitigating anthropogenic
output. However, current understanding of the interaction between injected
and the reservoir rock is limited and prevents accurate estimation of reservoir
capacity. Delineating the diagenesis of the reservoir is useful in predicting post-
injection changes in reservoir porosity and permeability. The Albian Donovan Sand member of the Rodessa Formation, Citronelle Field, Alabama, is the subject of an ongoing Department of Energy
-EOR suitability study. The arkosic Donovan Sand is highly heterogeneous, containing conglomeratic intervals, low to extensive poikilotopic calcite cement, loose to tight grain packing, and low <1% to high (5%) porosity (primary and secondary) observed in thin section. It forms the basal members of laterally discontinuous upward-fining parasequences that define a marine to brackish to fluvial delta system. The diagenesis of the Donovan Sand occurred in five stages: 1) pre-burial and compaction–formation of extensive calcite cement; 2) partial dissolution of calcite cement and framework feldspars; 3) secondary calcite cementation, localized dolomitization, and calcite and anhydrite concretion formation; 4) hydrocarbon charge; and 5) pyrobitumen development. Primary porosity is dominant, but substantial secondary porosity was formed during stage 2. Following injection of
, water injection and oil and gas production rates dropped below modeled values. We propose that the
injection dissolved calcite cement proximal to the injection well and reprecipitated it nearby with the effect of reducing porosity and/or permeability.
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