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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Four Corners Geological Society


Natural Fracture Systems in the Southern Rockies, 1999
Pages 139-144

Case History: Rulison Field, Colorado, Fracture Detection, Mapping, and Analysis of a Naturally Fractured Gas Reservoir Using P-wave Reflection Seismic

Heloise B. Lynn, K. Michele Simon, Vello Kuuskraa, Dave Decker


This case history is part of one of three field projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy as part of its ongoing research effort aimed to expand current levels of drilling and production efficiency of naturally fractured tight gas reservoirs. The acquisition, processing, and interpretation techniques described herein enabled the combined evaluation of two narrow-azimuth (source-receiver azimuth) 3D P-wave volumes for azimuthal Previous HitanisotropyTop and for the evidence of gas accumulation. The two seismic attributes best correlated with commercial gas pay were: the interval velocity ratio (N60E/N30W) and the sum of the interval AVO gradient (N60E + N30W), for the interval of the gas-saturated Mesaverde (the target reservoir).

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