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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Four Corners Geological Society


Natural Fracture Systems in the Southern Rockies, 1999
Pages 145-145

Abstract: Detection of Naturally Fractured Tight Gas Reservoirs: Case Histories from the Uinta and Wind River Basins Using 2-D and Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Seismic Data

Dave Phillips1, Heloise Lynn2, Michele Simon3, Richard Van Dok4

The goal of two U.S. DOE research projects directed by Blackhawk Geometries, contract no. DE-AC21-92MC28135 and DE-AC21-94MC31224, is the detection of gas-filled fractures using seismic methods. If highly fractured areas can be located using seismic techniques prior to drilling, it can greatly benefit field development. Shear wave seismic detects fractures, but it is expensive to acquire. If P-wave data can also detect fractures, the costs of finding fractured areas will be significantly reduced. In the Uinta Basin, 2 multi-component seismic lines and a multicomponent VSP were used to define fractures in the Upper Green River formation. The azimuthal difference of the P-wave AVO gradients showed open fracture directions consistent with the shear and VSP data. The dominant fracture direction at the Wind River Basin study area is East-West, and this information was used to design a Previous HitprocessingNext Hit sequence which splits the Previous Hit3-DTop dataset into two subsets. Compressional waves which travel parallel to the dominant fracture direction will not sense the fractures, while compressional waves which travel perpendicular to the dominant fracture direction will sense the maximum influence of the fractures. The two data subsets were processed independently, and the azimuthally variant seismic attributes were compared to production from wells to calibrate the seismic attributes to production.

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Blackhawk Geometries

2 Lynn Incorporated, 1646 Fall Valley, Houston, TX 77077

3 Lynn Incorporated, 1646 Fall Valley, Houston, TX 77077

4 Western Geophysical

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