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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 4 (1954), Pages 25-25

Abstract: The Sabinetown Formation as it Appears in Sabine Parish, Louisiana

Harold V. Andersen

The Sabinetown formation at its type locality in Sabinetown, Texas, is described as having a basal member consisting of a glauconitic sand, locally referred to as the "Pierson" glauconite, and an upper member consisting of a cross-bedded glauconitic sand, not named. In Sabine Parish, Louisiana, the Pierson glauconite is the only portion of the Sabinetown that can be recognized in the field. With few exceptions, it occurs within a Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone or on the down-dip side of a Previous HitfaultTop where it underlies a sand mass, sparingly glauconitic, that has been and currently is being mapped as the Carrizo formation. At its up-dip limits, the Carrizo formation in turn commonly overlies the Pendleton formation along what is construed to be the Carrizo strand line. It would appear, therefore, that the Carrizo formation's strand line lies at least as far south of the Sabine uplift as central Sabine Parish, Louisiana, and that the Pierson glauconite is, at least in part, a regressive, inner-neritic and littoral equivalent to the Carrizo sand. The apparent lack of uniformity in the thickness of the Sabinetown along strike, as previously reported, can be attributed wholly or in part to faulting, with the faults down-dip, upthrown to the coast, exhibiting a much thicker glauconitic mass than the faults near the strand line.

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Louisiana Geological Survey Baton Rouge, La.

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