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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 5 (1955), Pages 223-223

Abstract: Stratigraphy of South Texas Oil and Gas Trends

E. Alan Lohse (1), E. S. Middour (2)


Oil and gas production in South Texas occurs in four arcuate trends in the northwest flank of the Gulf Coast geosyncline. These trends commonly are called the Carrizo-Wilcox, Jackson-Yegua, Frio-Vicksburg, and Miocene trends, with more emphasis placed on their hydrocarbon content than their correct stratigraphic nomenclature.

The trends occur within the subsurface formations of the Gulf Coastal Plain. They represent subsurface zones where hydrocarbons have accumulated because of either (1) Previous HitoptimumTop coincidence between the occurences of suitable reservoir rocks and structural anomalies, or (2) sufficient changes of physical properties within the reservoir rocks. The reservoir rocks most commonly are sand lithofacies.

Cross sections published by the Corpus Christi and the San Antonio Geological Societies are very useful in analyzing these trends. They show the occurrences of sand facies along depositional strike and up-and downdip, to which oil and gas production can be related.

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(1) Geologist, Shell Oil Company, Corpus Christi, Texas

(2) Stratigrapher, Atlantic Oil Company, Corpus Christi, Texas

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