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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 9 (1959), Pages 91-103

Sedimentation and Structure of the Planulina-Abbeville Trend, South Louisiana

Hunter C. Goheen (*)


The term Erath member is proposed for the so-called deep water facies of the down-dip Anahuac formation, which is regarded as upper Oligocene or lower Miocene. The middle neritic Planulina and outer neritic to bathyal Abbeville are considered here as biostratigraphic zones within the Erath member. The Erath member consists mostly of shale, but the erratic sands occasionally found in it form a productive trend across South Louisiana from the Cameron Parish coastal area due east to St. James Parish. The particular economic significance of the Erath sands results from their having been deposited in deeper water than the sands of most other South Louisiana productive trends. A study of the depositional types of sand and their distribution, in relation to the tectonic history, aids in locating areas that are prospective for hydrocarbon accumulation.

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